Tornado Analysis

Tornado Analysis shows key drivers that are responsible for the largest impact to a risk model. There are two main modes to choose from, Activity Mode or Risk Mode. Click on the Tornado analysis icon to select a mode. Similar to Risk Histogram, selecting a tornado icon at the top level will report on the total project.

Cost Item Mode

Analyze the impact that terminal cost items have on the selected cost item.

In this example, the P-Value is set to 75 based on the selected P-Values Markers. Selecting Analyze shows the Uncertainties and Risk Events for the Cost Item Tornado Analysis.

Interact with the following options to explore your project in Cost Item Mode:

  • View
  • Level
  • Display Number

Root node in Cost Risk

Importing the Schedule Export report from Estimate to Schedule > Cost Risk inserts a root node into the project. The root node captures project-level data in Cost Risk for you to reference and report on. It also retains the hierarchical breakdown of the Estimate file.

Risk Mode

Analyze the impact that risks have on the selected line item.

In the example below, you can visualize the most impactful risk events and their corresponding activities. The largest driver is Risk #3 (R3) on activity Establish Permitting Documents and accounts for 130d of risk exposure.